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Build long-term partnerships on the basis of collaborative commitments and shared goals on the win-win spirit.

Cooperate on the benefit of both parties.

Regularly share information and support timely.

Fair and reasonable support policy throughout the distribution channel.

Commit to the maximum protection for your dealer before the market fluctuations and competition.


1. Periodic discount:

+ Sales <1 kg: 15% discount

+ Sales of 1 – 5 kg: discount 20%

+ Sales of 6 – 10 kg: discount 25%

+ Sales over 10kg: discount 25% + donation 500g / 10kg next product.

For merchandise sales of 3 consecutive months (1 quarter) will be discounted 2% of total sales of that quarter.

With continuous sales all months, by the end of the year will be discounted 1% of the actual sales of that year.

2. Periodical purchase discount:

Based on monthly sales commitment, your agent will be eligible to participate in the discount program on the sales volume reserved for agents of Minh Quan.

When you reach the committed sales volume, your dealer will be entitled to the discounted amount agreed upon from the beginning.

This discount policy is independent and goes hand in hand with other business support or promotion programs from Minh Quan for you agents.

3. Price policy, price protection:

Purchase Price:

Based on the results of the purchase and other cooperation commitments, you will be entitled to the price policy for the corresponding agent level.

Price policy is designed to ensure the competitiveness and maximum profit for your dealer in the market.

Our partner

01692 114 683