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HV Trolley

Product code: HV
Category: High Voltage Cable Testing System

Minh Quan Technology Joint Stock Company

Hotline: 01692 114 683

Mr Que: 0973 852 363

Ms Ha: 0165 2197 433


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Product information


  • 20kVA output capability
  • 0-3kV to 0-15kV options available
  • Accurate digital metering
  • Customisable to customer’s requirements
  • Key operated supply switch
  • Dual overload protection
  • Variable electronic trip 10-110% of rated output
  • Voltage and current metering
  • External 24V interlock and
  • Zero-volt interlock
  • Two emergency stop switches
  • The HV trolley series of units are high power ac flash test sets with a 20kVA output capability. The maximum output voltage can be customised to be any voltage up to 15kV.

    The unit is housed in a rugged steel and aluminium enclosure with a cover to protect the control panel. It is mounted on 200mm wheels with solid rubber tyres and brakes to allow easy movement within a production environment. Stowage is provided in the trolley for high voltage output lead, mains supply lead, earth leads and earthing stick.

    The HV output lead is 5m long and the mains lead is 15m long. The HV trolley is provided with accurate digital voltage and current metering and a variable electronic trip. An external interlock input is also fitted to the unit.

    The trolley can be supplied as either a single unit or two parts.



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