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Payment Guide and transport

Payment methods:
In order to create the most favorable conditions for your payment, we offer different payment methods to suit your conditions.
I. Payment via bank
If you want to pay via bank, please transfer money to our company account according to the following information:
Account number: 0451001328254
Account holder: Minh Quan Technology Joint Stock Company
Open at: Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam – Thanh Cong Branch
II. Cash payment to the shipper:
Apply C.O.D. (Delivery of goods) to all locations throughout the country from date.
III. Payment by post
Please pay the money by mail please transfer money to our company at the following address:
Minh Quan Technology Joint Stock Company
2nd Floor, ACCI Building, 210 Le Trong Tan, Khuong Mai Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi
Phone: 01692 114 683
Upon receipt of the receipt from the post office we will deliver the goods at your request.
IV. Transfer via ATM card account
You pay via your ATM card account, please transfer money to our account according to the following information:
Account holder: Nguyen Manh Hai
STK: 0021000658578
At: Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam – Thanh Cong Branch
Account holder: Nguyen Manh Hai
STK: 19020973445016
At: Techcombank – Hoan Kiem Branch

Shipping policy

Minh Quan is committed to delivery, with the fastest time, ensuring the quality of goods
during transport is not damaged. Delivery at the cheapest price, good quality
Best . Minh Quan brings satisfaction to customers as the main objective of the company.
1. Service applies
All customers buy products of Minh Quan Technology Joint Stock Company
2. Scope of application
Apply across the country
3. Shipping Policy

– Free shipping on all products purchased from Minh Quan.
– To implement this policy, customers need to pay 100% of the value of the order.
4. Delivery time
– Before shipment our shipping department will contact you for uniform
place of delivery.
– Delivery time: from Monday to Friday.
– If the delivery location ≤ 20 km from Minh Quan headquarters we expect delivery in
24 hours
– If the delivery location within 50 km from Minh Quan headquarters, we expect
Delivery within 2-3 days.
– If the delivery location within 100 km from Minh Quan headquarters we expect
Will delivery within 3-5 days.
– If the delivery location within 200 km from Minh Quan’s headquarters we expect
will deliver within 5-7 days.
– If the delivery point of 200 km or more from the headquarters of Minh Quan we will deliver
within 7-10 days.
5. Other conditions
– Minh Quan only delivery to the right recipient you registered to purchase, if changed
Minh Quan has the right to refuse delivery and claim the goods at
location of Minh Quan.
– In case of delivery more than 100 km from Minh Quan headquarters to avoid expenses incurred
Minh Quan requires you to provide a desk phone number, ID number for the salesman.
– In case of delivery to the right place, the recipient for some reason asked for payment
You will have to pay the fee set by Minh Quan.
– In case of natural disasters, floods and bridges, Minh Quan is not responsible for compensation
Frequent damages arise, delivery not in the right place, not on time.
– Where the place of delivery is located in the corner, mountainous areas, restricted area
Traffic, Minh Quan has the right to refuse the delivery and request you to receive goods at
location of Minh Quan.
* For bulky products, heavy without lift. Minh Quan asked you to support
– The cost of parking, the cost to the village, the cost of road and bridge by the customer.
– Vehicles are decided by Minh Quan.
– In the case of holidays, special days, transportation is restricted … Minh Quan will call
Give your customers the best time to deliver.

Our partner

01692 114 683