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Conductivity meter / controller type M2136

Product code: M2136
Category: Conductivity

Minh Quan Technology Joint Stock Company

Hotline: 01692 114 683

Mr Que: 0973 852 363

Ms Ha: 0165 2197 433


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Product information

  • LED display
  • temperature compensation to 120ºC
  • measurement range: 0…20µS to 0…200mS
  • programmable current or voltage output, switchable for conductivity or temperature
  • power supply 20…254VAC or DC, galvanically isolated
  • 2 limit contacts
  • rail mounting
    Product Details

    The M2136 conductivity meter is suitable for water, waste water or pure water conditioning in continuous or batch-type operating modes, for liquid chromatography or for general chemical process monitoring.
    Temperature coefficient of the cell is compensated either manually or automatically by an external Pt-100 platinum probe within the range of 0°C to 120°C.
    Commercially available conductivity cells -K-factor 0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 cover a dynamic range from 0.01µS to 20mS full scale. An internal synchronous rectifier eliminates the capacitive error currents induced by the cell cable.

    Optionally, a galvanic isolated and in the range of 0…20mA programmable output signal for the conductivity signal or temperature is available. By a external 24V signal, the current output can be switched between conductivity- and temperature measuring.

    Two floating limit or alarm contacts can be set over the entire range. Each is defined as a normally open or as a normally closed contact.

    Supply lines and all other lines, either from or to the conductivity meter, are protected by internal noise limiters against HF-noise.


Measuring ranges: 0…2.000mS (K=0.1, K=0.01)

0…20.00mS (K=1.0, K=0.1, K=0.01)

0…200.0mS (K=1.0, K=0.1, K=0.01)

0…2.000mS (K=1.0, K=0.1)

0…20.00mS (K=1.0)

0…200.0mS (K=10.0)

Range display 2 red LED-Lamps
Display Red LED-display 4-digit, character high 10mm
Accuracy: 0.5%
Reproducibility: <0.2%
Measuring frequency: 80Hz and 10kHz
Measuring amplitude: 70/150mV, conductive cell only
Step response Time between a conductivity change from 0% to 100% or reverse measured between 10% and 90% = 4 seconds.
Input protection: virtual zero, protected by diodes
Temperature compensation: manual form 0 to 120ºC, automatic by an external Pt-100 platinum sensor, 2 or 3-wire. The unit calculates with 25ºC when the Pt-100 sensor wires are broken.
Temperature slope: 0.00%/ºC (=without compensation) to 8.00%/ºC.
Conductivity of water The conductivity of water is measured and temperature compensated
Reference temperature: 25°C
Maximum length of cell cable: Cable capacity is compensated automatically. The max. capacity must be <0.02µF.
Limit contacts:





Contacts rating:

Contact live:

Two floating change-over contacts may be adjusted over the full range. Each can be defined as a normally open or normally closed contact by an internal slide switch. two red LED-Lamps

adjustable, the factory setting is ±5 digit

1A with resistive load / 230VAC

100’000 operations at max. load

10’000’000 operation mechanically, without load

Option current output:






Max. load:

Output impedance:

programmable in the range of 0…20mA, galvanically isolated By a external 24V signal, the current output can be switched between conductivity- and temperature measuring. Conductivity measuring (terminal 14 & 15 open): Current output in depending of conductivity measuring Temperature measuring (termianl 14=0V, 15=24V): Current output in depending of temperature measuring


>1MW typical

Device settings:

change options:

with bush buttons behind the front panel, see operating manual

measuring ranges, cells K-factor, temperature slope, temperature, limit contacts: operating mode, hysteresis, status of the LED-Lamps

Power supply: 20 to 253VAC or DC
Power supply load: 4.5 to 7.0W at 230VAC
CE-conformity: fulfilled
Terminals 3 x 6-pole plug-in screw terminals
Mounting: 35mm mounting rail, EN50022-35
Weight: 200g
Warranty: 2 years
Options: – conductivity cell type M8836s and M8836si – customer specified functions




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